Monday, May 14, 2007

Went to the doctor on Friday, everything seems to be coming along well. I have another appointment on May 28th. My potasium level was high so am taking more medication and it is finally starting to come down, will know more when I go for a blood test on Thursday.
Had a nice Mothers Day. Fred, Kelly and Josh came out in the morning, I slept in my chair all afternoon and then we went to Murray and Lee's for supper. My only problem is I have no desire to eat and when I do it is a small amount. Hopefully I will loose weight through all this.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

I am feeling stronger everyday,except my potasium is high so more medication. I am trying to do a fee things around the housebut get tired veryfast- no muscles.
The weather is beautiful today but I can't get out to enjoy it.We are off to Regina on Friday to see my doctor and to pick up our new bed.
The guys are busy seeding so things are busy here.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

I have bveen home for almost one week and seem to be doing okay. I am on so much medication that I just want to sleep. Had the staples out yesterday so it will not be long before I can have a shower.
I can't see straight so I will post more later.