Thursday, February 28, 2008

I can't believe we have less than three weeks left. Allan has had a cold so he is whinning. We are going to market today to see what we can buy.
We are just enjoying the sun and happy hour with friends. I sure am going to miss this place.
We will be going back up the coast to Casa Grande and spend a couple of days with John and Ellen and then home. We leave here on March 17th.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

We went to a pig roast on thursday, all the food and drinks for $20, so we reallydrank up. iT WAS ON THE BEACH SO WE SAW THE FISHERMEN PULL IN THEIR NETS, SAW A BEAUTIFULL SUNSET AND the lights of Guayabitos. Nothing is better then that. Off to wathc curling now.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Sitting outside in the van so I can get a good signal. /still enjoying the good weather. Allan had the flu and passed out on me but is okay. We still don't know which way we will be going home but hatge to think about it now.
Finished with ehe dentist, had a root cannal which cost $65. not bad.