Friday, February 2, 2007

A little cloudy today but still warm. We are off to meet some friends forf happy hour on the beach.
Sorry my blog is not longer but I am using a friends computer so I don't want to use up the battery time.
I hope I can get on Kim's blog to get the news.


Jodi @ blog-o-licious said...

I guess it's true, you do love Kelly more...

It is freaking freezing here.

Going to the Scotties in Balgonie this weekend. Can't wait. Michelle is doing well 3 and 1 so far.

Anonymous said...

It has been cool here in Texas but is supposed to be in the 70's all next week. It will be so nice to see the sun again. They say Jan. was the second coldest in 20 years here.
I wrote you a comment last week but couldn't get it to go on your blog. If this doesn't work, I will send an e-mail.