Thursday, March 29, 2007

Hi, It's Jodi. Mom is in the hospital. She's having back surgery (AGAIN) today. Her doctor is sure that there is infection in there and that her body is not accepting the metal that he put in there before. I don't believe she is having the surgery til later today, so you can call her if you want: 766-8120.

She seems in okay spirits, considering... She's happy to be in the "good" ward at the hospital with all the nurses who know her and treat her very well.

Monday, March 26, 2007

For those who are still getting my blog. I will be going into the hospital tomorrow for some test. Hopefully they will figure out what to do, surgery or what. I am taking so much medication for my pain I can hardly keep my eyes open. The pain is something I don't wish on anyone.
My life is quite boring with nothing to write except complaining about my back. I would give anything to be able to get up in the morning and do a full days work of housekeeping and cooking. I hope that will happen someday down th road.

Friday, March 16, 2007

We are back to our trips to Regina to see doctors. Allan's visit to two doctors had good results were my one visit to one doctor did not turn out so well. I knew I was having more pain and not walking as well as I thought I should be. My feelings were right. I had to have xrays done on my back awnd when I had to lay down on my back the pain was more than I could bare, that was my first break down. The doctor said things do not look goo, that was my second break down. My discs where I had the last surgery are compressed and doing more nerve damage. I have a few options and the first is a brace which I am wearing right now. I will have to go into the hospital for a couple of days to have a mri and bone scane, to see what damage there is and if there is any infection. If the brace does not work I will probably need more surgery and have all my back fused. I am on heavy medication, so do nothing but sleep all day.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Got home Thursday with no problems. We stayed one night with Ignaki and his Mom. The have a huge beautiful new home. We then spent two night in Texas, did a little shopping, visiting, picking grapefruit and then off to Sask.
Along the way in Mexico we came across booths of pottery. I bought three big vases to sit on the floor for only $30. It was all soo cheap, I could have brought a truck load home.
We had good weather all the way home except for some fog the last two days. It is better to take extra time, you don't get so tired.
I am still not unpacked and have a lot of laundry, but I will get it done slowly.
We are off to Regina to see doctors on Wed. & Thurs.
The weather is good at home but still a lot of snow.