Thursday, March 29, 2007

Hi, It's Jodi. Mom is in the hospital. She's having back surgery (AGAIN) today. Her doctor is sure that there is infection in there and that her body is not accepting the metal that he put in there before. I don't believe she is having the surgery til later today, so you can call her if you want: 766-8120.

She seems in okay spirits, considering... She's happy to be in the "good" ward at the hospital with all the nurses who know her and treat her very well.


Tao's Mommy said...

Thanks for the update Jodi!! I'm hoping to come to Regina on Saturday and if I make it in I will swing by and see her!! Tell her I'm cheering for a speedy recovery for her and say hi!! Which hospital is she in??

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear that your back has not been improving. I am hoping this latest surgery will be the last one and will be the answer to getting you back on your feet!
Thank you for all of the updates on your blog. I often check in to see how you and Allan are doing. Now will ya get better soon please!!
Luv, Krista :)